Do you watch that Show with the Duggar family? 18 and Counting? On TLC?

I have watched it since it started last season. I like to tape it on Tivo and then convert it to my iPhone for later viewing. I am way behind this season but I did manage to catch a few random episodes.

Do you think these people are for real?

I want to dislike them. I mean, c’mon, they’re weird! They have way too many kids. And, the mom, Michelle, seems really nice and all but it’s just not natural for a woman to give birth than many times. Or be pregnant that many times. I am certain that it cannot be healthy for your body.

Truth be told, I am not into the religion thing. I think they’re freaks. I know, I am in the minority here but I am not a fan of the holy rollers. These people seem very, very strange to me. Did you see the episode where Josh and Anna became engaged? Prior to kissing, let alone prior to premarital sex?!


I have to admit that there is a part of me that believes the Duggars are for real. I may very well believe that they are that nice and truly do believe in the word of Jesus. It’s amazing to me. Maybe they beat their kids when the cameras are off. Or, maybe Michelle and Jim Bob start berating each other, ala Jon & Kate Plus 8. I do not know. But when the cameras are on, they are very convincing.

I’m currently watching the episode where they gift a house addition to their freak friends, the Bates family. It’s actually touching. And I truly do believe they want this family to be happy.

Again, I know I’m in the minority. But I’m not certain this has anything to do with Jesus. I just think you either have it or you don’t. Some people are caring people. Some people aren’t. Some people describe themselves as Christian but do not live as Jesus would. Some people may not believe in Jesus at all, but try their best to be as moral as possible.

At any rate, it’s some good, oddball, entertainment. It’s totally worth watching for the hairstyles, alone.

It was about a week after I started my blog.

I’m putting The Golden Boy to bed. He has chapped lips and I put Vaseline on them. He says something to the effect of, “I suppose you’re going to tell all of your friends that I have chapped lips.”

Tracy: What?!

TGC : I know you text all of your friends and tell them things about me.

Tracy: What are you talking about?

TGC: Well you told them that I had the flu.

Tracy: Well, yes, I did.

TGC: And you told them that I had pink eye.

Tracy: Mmm…hmmm….

TGC: Well, I think that’s personal and you shouldn’t tell your friends about it. I should be able to talk about it if I want to. It’s my life to share. Not yours to share.

Tracy {out loud}: Well you’re right. Fair game. That is personal and I shouldn’t be sharing that without your approval.

Tracy {in my head}: But I just started a blog! What the hell am I going to do if I can’t share your personal stories?!

So. I have two children. But you’ll only be hearing about one of them until she gets old enough to complain about me violating her privacy. I’m only allowed to be talking about the other one if I have his approval. Fair game. I’ll admit that. But, dayum, that really screws up a lot of my stories.

I must admit that I was blown away when I saw that Michael Jackson died. It’s still such an odd mixture of emotions for me. He was an artistic genius and his music was so prevalent during my formative years. But he was also very psychologically damaged. I’m torn between celebrating him, feeling sorry for him, and being angry at him. Either way, I still feel like a little bit of my childhood is now gone.

I loved watching the Jackson Five on TV when I was little. Do you remember how variety shows were all the rage in the 70s? I remember hearing this song, Ben, and it seemed so touching. It was Michael Jackson’s first number one hit. Years later, I learned that it was a song about a rat. The theme song for a movie with some freak who raises rats and trains them to kill people. Yes. That’s touching, isn’t it?

P.S. Check out that tie!

This is Me

My Photo I do not have nearly enough heads for all of the hats that I wear. I am, by trade, a CEO, a General Manager, a Chef, a Nutritionist, a Psychologist, a Housekeeper, a Laundress, a Nurse, a Teacher, a Personal Shopper, a Taxi Driver, an Event Planner, an Interior Designer, a Journalist, a Genealogist, a Film Maker, and a Photographer. I get paid in kisses and hugs. I am a mama. I am a wife. I am a friend. You can call me Tracy.